Southport Sharks has reached an incredible $200,000 milestone with its financial support of the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation.
All of our charity partners are based locally and support our local community, particularly within the Gold Coast Health and Knowledge Precinct. Since the charity partnership commenced in 2011 with the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation (GCHF), Southport Sharks members and staff have kindly contributing to the Community Benefit Fund.
“Our goal at Southport Sharks is to support causes aligning with our values and visions.
It has been our pleasure to support the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation through our Community Benefits Fund,” expressed Dean Bowtell, Southport Sharks CEO
Southport Sharks prides itself on being community focused and recognises the importance of assisting with improving the quality of people’s lives.
The Gold Coast Hospital Foundation has used partner donation towards the Cancer Patient Transport Service to cover the ongoing expense involved in running the vehicles, to ensure comfort and safety for patients travelling for treatment. Funds have also gone towards the Gold Coast University Hospital Community Gardens and to purchase medical equipment.
Gold Coast Hospital Foundation CEO Ben Cox said, “We are proud of our long-standing partnership with Southport Sharks.
Southport Sharks has been a critical partner in our investment in health outcomes in our community.
The funds injected into Gold Coast Health in the 10 years so far has helped countless patients, their families and health staff”,
Mr Sharky visits Gold Coast University Hospital children’s ward
To mark this partnership milestone, Mr Sharky and players from Southport Sharks NEAFL 2019 team visited Gold Coast University Hospital children’s ward.
They spoke with AFL fan Bronson and Bree-anna in the hospital classroom, and visited Lucy in her room – we wish them a speedy recovery.
Southport Sharks proudly supports the Gold Coast Hospital Foundation through the Community Benefit Fund on behalf on members and staff.
Southport Sharks Community Benefit Fund Donation Tally
We thanks our members and staff for the generosity as every new membership or membership renewal, Southport Sharks donates $1 from the membership fee to one of our four charity partners at by member discretion.
Southport Sharks Community Benefit Fund has raised over $712,000 to date!
2018 – 2019 Benefit Fund Donations
Gold Coast Hospital Foundation | $24,417
Sharks Juniors | $16,613
headspace Southport | $12,559
Sharks Community Fund | $14,506
Find out more about our community projects on our blog.