Imagine winning your wedding. Imagine achieving your dream wedding body!
This was a reality for Wayne Adams, the lucky groom of Southport Sharks’ Win your Wedding competition. As part of the prize, the couple received 12 weeks complimentary membership at Sharks Health + Fitness, as well as a weekly one-on-one personal training session and a couples session.
Wayne was paired with PT Coordinator, Nick Graham who kickstarted Wayne’s journey to a fitter, stronger and healthier version of himself.
His goals involved wanting to be leaner, lighter, fitter and stronger for the big day. Full body measurements, body composition scan and movement and strength assessments took place before Nick formulated a plan of attack.
DAY 1: Operation get Wayne ready to walk down the aisle
The first session was a bit of a wake up call for the groom to be. He worked hard, shed plenty of sweat and it’s safe to say he was a little sore for a few days after. Luckily he had a week until the next workout!
The other side of the story: Nutrition
As they say there is always two sides to every story and in Wayne’s case, this meant nutrition. We’ve all heard you can’t out-train a bad diet, which is absolutely correct! Nick sent Wayne away to track everything he ate, whether it be ‘good’ or ‘bad’.
With a weeks worth of food intake written down, Wayne and Nick discussed what needed to stay and what needed to be adjusted. They discussed how certain foods affect the body and what should be eaten before and after a workout. Wayne received a nutritional information booklet to review and report back to PT Nick the following week.
Perfecting form for everyday movement
The ongoing theme of each session was teaching Wayne to move strongly and effectively, both in everyday life and at the gym. At nearly two metres tall, this was sometimes challenging for Wayne, however he slowly improved his movements, became stronger and was less sore after each session!
The results
Wayne progressed from basic bodyweight exercises such as squats and push ups to more advanced variations using more resistance like deadball squats and kettlebell overhead press.
Wayne’s “can do attitude” was a huge contributor to his success with PT Nick. “He never said he couldn’t do something and always knuckled down and gave it his absolute best” said Nick. “He really did start to transform aesthetically right before my eyes, especially in the final weeks of training together”.
- Total weight loss: 8.2kg
- Total cm lost: 28.5cm
- Waist: 101cm down to 90cm
- Hips: 108.5cm down to 101cm
- Body fat loss: 3.7kg
- Body fat percentage loss: 2.1%
- Waist to hip ratio: from 0.93 to 0.89
“The results Wayne achieved are nothing short of amazing, and are true testament to what can be achieved by someone when you commit and give everything. You can to achieve what you set out, no matter what gets in your road.” – Nick Graham
If you are interested in training with Nick or any of our other friendly, professional trainers, visit SSH+F reception or the PT Profile Page.