Has this happened to you? One week you’re lifting grocery bags with ease and the next week the laundry powder feels like a box of concrete. Or maybe you lose your balance on the train or stairs because your core strength isn’t quite what it used to be.
Loss of strength happens over time at any age when our muscles aren’t fully utilised. Before you know it, you can’t pull your best moves at your friend’s wedding without pulling a muscle you didn’t even know you had.
If you’d like to make everyday activities easier, strength training is your friend. By increasing your strength, you’ll maintain the health of your bones and muscles. And you’re far less likely to injure yourself on the dance floor.
What are the benefits of strength training?
You’ll gain strength without bulking, improve fat loss, enhance your mood, reduce stress, improve your athleticism and reduce the risk of injury and disease. One of the best outcomes is an increase of confidence and how you feel about yourself.
What happens to your body when you start strength training?
You’ll start using muscles which are rarely used, improving your posture and strength. As you reduce body fat and increase muscle mass, your strength and mobility will improve.
How long until I see results?
Depending on the type and frequency of training, it may take three or four weeks before you start noticing a visible change. After 12 weeks, you’ll not only see some real results, but you’ll have fallen in love with the way training makes you feel.
How long is a training session?
When it comes to strength training, thirty minutes is the perfect amount of time to effectively work all the muscle groups through the legs, the chest and the back.
Is it better to lift heavy or light weights?
Both light and heavy weights are valid choices. Lighter weights are great for endurance training because you’re doing more reps and using more aerobic energy. Heavier weights are great if you want to gain strength quickly or strengthen or sculpt a particular part of your body. Either way, you’re increasing your strength and that’s what matters.
What’s better: strength training or cardio?
If you want to lose weight, cardio will burn more calories and fat faster. Strength training will help you built muscle and burn calories all day. The best workout is a combination of both.
Should I do cardio first or strength?
If your priority is to burn fat and lose weight, or you want to get stronger, we recommend strength training first. If you’re aiming to improve your endurance, do cardio first. On upper body strength training days, you can either first.
How many sets should I do?
Generally, one set of 12 to 15 repetitions with the right weight will be as effective as multiple sets, as long as you are exercising your muscles to the point of fatigue. A personal trainer can help you select the right weight to suit you.
How do I stay safe during strength training?
The best advice is to have a personal trainer set your program, so you learn proper technique. Start slowly and only use well-maintained equipment. Make sure you breathe through the exercises and control the weights at all times. Use the full range of motion and maintain a strong form through the lift to prevent injury.
Are you keen to feel stronger? Get in contact with us today and see how our personal trainers can develop a program that fits in with your life.
Disclaimer: Health advice is general in nature and should be read as such. For any health concerns, please see your doctor.
If you are unsure where to start with your fitness goals, visit the friendly and experienced staff at Sharks Health and Fitness Centre. We have plenty of group fitness classes, as well as experienced personal trainers to push you towards your goals.