Southport Sharks announces the appointment of Matthew Schneider as a non-executive director of Southport Sharks, effective September 16, 2020.
Matthew has over 15 years’ experience in executive and non-executive roles across listed, private and not-for-profit organisations. A strong communicator and a skilled negotiator, Matthew is a respected town planning consultant, strategic adviser, project lead and company director. He is a passionate advocate for the Gold Coast and is an active participant in professional debate, policy development and industry events.
Southport Sharks CEO Dean Bowtell is pleased with the appointment. “We are delighted to have attracted Matthew as a non-executive director of Southport Sharks. Matthew has worked with us previously on multiple projects and has an excellent understanding of our workplace and industry. He will play a pivotal role in the future direction of the organisation, particularly from a planning, infrastructure and live music perspective”, said Mr Bowtell.
Matthew is thrilled to be joining the Southport Sharks board. “I am excited to join the Club’s board as a Non-Executive Director. Opportunities to bring together footy, business and the Gold Coast community don’t come up often, let alone at one of Queensland’s oldest, proudest and most successful clubs. I can’t wait to play my role as part of an impressive team”, said Mr Schneider.
Appropriately nicknamed “Mr Everywhere”, Matthew is a graduate from the Queensland University of Technology, Director of Planning for Urbis Gold Coast, Industry Fellow at Griffith University, Gold Advisory Board Member for Top 100 Women, Lacey Group Advisory Committee Member, Gold Coast Music Advisory Group Member and Business Advisory Member for Study Gold Coast.
An advocate for music on the Gold Coast and a city leader, Southport Sharks is looking forward to Matthew assisting in the organisation’s future growth plans.